Born and raised in Puerto Rico, enlisted in the United States Air Force in 1996.
Working with the weapons of aircraft, we were evaluated monthly to identify the most qualified, confident, and proficient people that will help you accomplish the mission, not just the work of the specific position the person is assigned.
Weapon personnel ensures explosives can drop. When a mission involves dropping explosive devices, everything needs to be in perfect working order so when a pilot pulls the trigger, the devices successfully launch away from the aircraft toward the target.
Every day was a competition, to stand out, to go up a level, to the next position, to get promoted to the next rank.
Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.
Jeff Bezos
Improve Your Branding, it Helps
One day in 2003, I was selected to lead a team ahead of time and in 2004 I was administering the local area network supporting 900+ personnel. The second-largest aircraft maintenance squadron in Air Combat Command at the time.
Between 2008 and 2012 I was an F22 and F15 instructor with 3,000+ teaching hours. What I learned about branding and marketing was used to help businesses. Also, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree, Public Relations and Marketing a Master’s in Business Administration.
In 2012, after 4 years of teaching, the Air Force moved us to England, where I was put in charge of the training of 47 people and of managing and in 2014 in charge of implementing the commander’s vision and directing personnel administrative functions for 258 people, 44 programs, with a budget of $745k in 11 sections.
And in 2017, after 20 years of honorable service, I retired from the military.

What We Say and How, Matters
When it comes to business, sales, and marketing, everything you say, what you post on social media can help or hurt you. That’s because everything you say is part of a larger conversation about you, your brand, product, or business.
After moving to Florida was asked to join the Greater Hernando County Chamber of Commerce board and the Pace Center for Girls in Hernando County.
In 2019 I was recruited to be the Marketing Director for Fireball Brands. Which includes Monster Transmissions, Burn Rubber Brewing Co., Nature Coast Media Group, Monstar franchising,, and Lead Food City, the 1st Automobile Multipurpose Entertainment Complex In America.
In 2021 the family and I decided to move to Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico to be closer to the family and that’s when I saw an opportunity to use my skills to produce happiness.
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– Angel Anderson